Free Online Infographic Maker
Create stunning infographics to visualize business processes, data visualization, and for marketing reports without any design experience.

Not a designer? No problem. With our easy-to-edit infographic templates and Infographic Maker, anyone can create an amazing infographic in minutes. Join over 40,000 businesses today in using Venngage's Infographic Maker.
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Design with our infographic maker using one of our templates
Choose from thousands of high-quality infographic templates See all infographic templates

Designing infographics blends data with creative design

With Venngage's free Infographic Maker and our extensive selection of professional, creative templates, crafting the perfect infographic is accessible to everyone.

Turn survey data into an informative infographic or break down reports into a statistical infographic for anyone to understand.

Outline your innovative customer onboarding process with a process infographic. Or simply rank your favorite content marketing tactics with a list infographic.

Whatever your industry or subject, Venngage's free Infographic creator makes it simple to create an engaging custom infographic.
How to create an infographic in 5 steps:

Venngage is a free infographic creator with all essential features

Customizable Infographics
Not a designer? No problem. Our infographic templates are designed so that anyone can quickly and easily customize them for eye-catching designs.

User-Friendly Editor
The simple drag-and-drop Venngage editor is easy to use. You can swap out text, images, icons, and add data to your infographic with just a click of a button.

Export to PNG, PDF, or PowerPoint
Easily share your infographics as images by downloading them as PNG or PDF. Add them to documents or use them in slides for PowerPoint.

Add infographics into presentations with ease. DesignAI automates presentation design for you - saving you hours.

24-Hour Priority Support
Got a question? We're here to help. Our support team is available around the clock, so your team can keep working like clockwork.

Royalty-Free Stock Photography
Integrations with Pixabay and Pexels elevate your infographics. Access stunning, professional photos with just one click.
How do I download an infographic?
You can download your infographic, from the Infographic Maker with a few clicks as a PNG, PDF or Interactive PDF.
How much does Venngage cost ?
Anyone can start creating an infographic for free and share it with the world. But there are some professional features that are included in our Premium ($19/month) and Business ($49/month) subscriptions that aren't available to everyone.
What type of infographic templates does Venngage have?
We have hundreds of well designed infographics templates that our professional designers have created to make it easy for anyone to use.

Explore our Infographic Maker now and choose from our stunning templates to begin